Announcements for the Week of September 30, 2018
Ministry Meetings and Reminder
- 2019 Ministry Leadership Rosters are due today. Please turn them into the church office.
- 2019 Ministry Budget Request Forms are in all the ministry mailboxes. Please include the Proposed date, time and location of all activities. Ministry leaders please reach out to your servant leader if you need assistance. Return completed form to the Finance Ministry on or before Sunday, Oct. 21st.
- All ministry leaders are asked to attend the MMBC Leadership Forum on Saturday, October 6th at 10:30 am. Pastor Davis.
- Our Backpack Blessings Program partnership will continue throughout the year. We ask that you continue supporting this program by donating food items. A food donation list is located in the narthex.
- Mosby will be partnering with Ratcliffe Elementary School for their Fall Festival to be held on November 2, 2018. Ratcliffe Elementary School has asked that we donate items such as individually wrapped candies or small treats, brown lunch bags, stickers to decorate the bags, snack size zip lock bags, etc. to support this initiative. A collection box will be in the narthex through Sunday, October 28, 2018. If you would like to make a monetary donation, please use the yellow pew envelopes and mark it “Ratcliffe”. ~Social Justice Ministry
Upcoming Worship, Fellowship & Training Opportunities
- We will be sharing in revival with the Mt. Olive Baptist Church 2611 Bells Road, Richmond on October 9, 2018. Pastor Davis will be the guest preacher. Everyone is invited to come out and share in worship.
- Our 111th Church Anniversary is fast approaching. Church anniversary is a time for reflection and an occasion for thanksgiving for God’s steadfast love and kindness toward us. Church Anniversary is our only Special Offering Day this year. Every donation towards our one hundred fifty-dollar member special offering helps! Finance Ministry
- On October 20th at 4:00 p.m. we will be celebrating Michael’s 60th birthday! The theme is Harlem Nights. Join us as we share in this milestone in Michael’s life.
- Have you had your flu shot for this year? The Health and Wellness ministry will be hosting their annual free flu shot clinic on October 28th after morning worship in the fellowship hall. Wear pink on that Sunday in recognition of Breast Cancer Awareness month. See any member of the health and wellness ministry for more information.
Community Events
The American Baptist Churches of the South – Area II Oratorical Contest will be held on Saturday October 13, 2018 during the annual session which is being held here at Mosby. The contest is open to middle, senior high and college students. See Our Minister of Christian Education for more information.