Much-loved Mosby Family,
Blessings to all of you, God’s cherished children. As I reflect on my first “Love Sunday”, I want to let all of you know how much I appreciate the love that you continue to show me, Leading Lady and our son, Justus.
It was a joy to share with you Leading Lady’s and my love story. I believe that it is imperative that our people have a healthy perspective about relationships within the African American church and community.
Throughout history, our people have been subjugated and exploited by false perceptions of our capacity to be persons that are capable of loving intimately and deeply.
As evidenced by last Sunday and the history found in married couples here at Mosby, we are a people whose love runs deep. I am proud to say I’ve been married to the same woman for over 20 years. Over the years, Leading Lady and I have grown by God’s grace and mercy to a place where we now listen differently, love deeply, have learned from our shortcomings and completely lean on the everlasting arms of our God. I encourage all couples that are serious about their relationship with each other and God to be an example for our children, church body and the larger community. Send the message that true love is possible with commitment and hard work. Mosby, your Leading Lady and I love you and there’s nothing you can do about it (smile).
For further insight into the history and reality of marriage amongst free and enslaved black people in America please see the book, “‘Til Death or Distance Do Us Part: Love and Marriage in African America”, by Frances Smith Foster. From the back cover, “Rather than finding a fragile institution of transient attachments, she uncovers a legacy of love, struggle, and commitment. By choosing whom to love, how to love, and what to sacrifice, black Americans carved out space for their human selves. Their marriages contributed to decades of resistance against the dehumanizing effects of slavery.” Remember, We Are #MOSBYSTRONG!
Rev. Dr. P. L. Davis